Curse – Kupe’s Knighting

I went to my first Curse, one of Rivermoor’s premiere events, to witness the knighting of Kupe, known also as Katsumoto, . He had previously been honored as a Master Dragon, for his skill in Art, and was being made the first Serpent Knight of the Kingdom of Rivermoor. I had gifts for him, and wanted to speak my heart to him at his vigil.

But since I was there, I also helped judge the Arts & Sciences competition. The theme was Garb Goals. I’d really have liked to see SOME detail about what the personal goals of the artisans were, because we didn’t really have any information about what their starting point was, and what they wanted to achieve. Nevertheless, I saw some nice work, and had a few suggestions. I was able to chat with the artisan, and hopefully give some advice on her weaving.

I also worked on the Rivermoor trim I made to give to Kupe. And worked, and worked, and  worked. Friday night, the bacon being cooked kept me awake with lovely smells as I worked, but eventually, I gave up and went to bed. I wove more on Saturday. And finally, my back and shoulders told me that I was done, stick a fork in me, DONE. I cut the warp, and after taking a few photos, presented his gift.

Knighting was cool. (And lots of tears.) I was very honored and pleased that Kite, our incoming monarch, called up not only the Knights of Amtgard, but also the Peers of the SCA. We were able to stand as witnesses to the honors granted to a man I respect, who has the peer-like qualities that make him a leader, and who I am glad to know. Congrats, Sir Kupe.

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